At some point, most people experience some stress in their lives, as a response to different situations that push them out of their comfort zones. For example, the most common cause of stress among students are exam periods, while among the adult population work-related stress is not uncommon. Mild and short time stress is known as “positive stress” since it pushes students to study and the working population to do well in their designated projects. The problem occurs, when stressful situations last for an extended period and stress levels are not minor. Such states can be dangerous and can also lead to anxiety. It is essential to know how to deal with stress and have it under control when there is still time.


Methods for stress-relief

Since stress is an unavoidable state, we should all know the methods to keep it under control. Let’s take a look at the stress relievers to have in mind when we are dealing with stress:

  1. Follow a healthy lifestyle

A boost of endorphins caused by exercise will do good for you. You will feel less stressed in no time. Being more in shape will also help you cope with everyday activities more efficiently. Eating healthy and avoiding smoking and excess caffeine and alcohol intake will also help you cope with stress.

  1. Laugh often

Provoke your hormones of happiness that will help you submit the cortisol with laughter. Watch a comedy, read some jokes or hang out with your funny friends. Another option is to try to find laughter yoga classes around you.

  1. Socialize

When you socialize with your family and friends, you distract yourself from the drama that has been going on in your life. At the same time, people around you will show support, which will make you feel that you are not alone in what is going on. Only realizing this, usually helps to relieve stress.

  1. Try yoga and meditation

Yoga and meditation are perhaps the most known methods of stress relief. Yoga combines physical and mental disciplines to help you relax and manage stress and anxiety.

  1. Try adaptogenic herbs

There are many herbs and herbal extracts, that are known to provide stress-relieving properties. Among herbs, that carry a health claim “adaptogen” according to the OpenEFSA portal, where health claims on botanicals that can be used for marketing purposes are listed, are for example Schisandra Chinensis, Rhodiola Rosea, Astragalus, and Ashwagandha.

Adaptogenic properties of CBD

In scientific literature, many studies are available on CBD being an effective agent against stress and anxiety.

Wright et al. (2020) made reviewed existing pre-clinical and clinical data on the effects of CBD on anxiety. Clinical evidence supports the possible role of CBD as a novel treatment for anxiety disorders.

Crippa et al. (2010) were presumably the first ones to conduct a study in patients with generalized social anxiety disorder. CBD was associated with significantly decreased subjective anxiety in comparison to placebo.

Cannabidiol showed anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effects in several other studies as well (Blessing et al., 2015; Zuardi et al, 2017and Masataka, 2019).


CBD as a health claim carrier

Since CBD was shown to reduce stress and anxiety symptoms in several studies, we decided to apply to authorize a health claim related to CBD, with the following proposed health claim wording: Cannabidiol (CBD) contributes to the reduction of stress-related anxiety. We look forward to receiving feedback from Authorities on the proposed health claim, which we believe is one of the first related to CBD.



Make sure you know the methods that help you deal with everyday stress since it is very important to keep it under control. Since CBD was proven to provide anxiolytic properties, in times of excess stress, we would recommend giving it a chance.